Why is My Window Tint Turning Purple?

Car window tint is one of the most popular and cost-effective ways to customize your vehicle. Not only does automotive window film elevate your car’s appearance, but it also improves its privacy, security, and comfort. Despite these excellent benefits, many drivers still hesitate to tint their windows. One of their main concerns is that their window tint will turn purple.

Should you be worried that your window film will turn purple?

The experts at Red Rocks Tint are here to put your mind at ease. In this article, we’ll explain how window tint turns purple as a result of UV ray exposure, as well as tips to prevent this from happening. 


Why Does Window Tint Turn Purple? 

Standard quality car window film can last up to five years. Premium tints will last longer than that. Over time, some window tints will start to fade. The main culprit behind tint fading is exposure to ultraviolet rays. UV rays can also alter the tint’s color. This is commonly seen in low-quality films and window tints that use cheap dye.

It’s important to know what dyes are most susceptible to UV rays. Dyed tint is made up of yellow, blue, green, and red pigmentations. The first colors to break down from UV exposure are yellow and green.  After these pigments fade, only red and blue remain. As you remember from grade school, these colors create a purple hue when mixed. This color concoction can bleed through the windows, leaving an unsightly purple tint. 


What Kind of Window Tint Turns Purple?

While most window film will eventually fade, poor-quality tint is the most likely to turn purple. If you want to tint your car windows, you must use high-quality, durable film.

Here at Red Rocks Tint, we’re proud to use window film from the industry’s most trusted brand—XPEL. Their window tints stand the test of time and are highly fade-resistant. XPEL window film also blocks 99% of UV rays and 98% of infrared heat. This reduces your risk of skin cancer and keeps your cabin cool.


Is There Window Tint that Won’t Turn Purple? 

Yep, and that’s XPEL! This automotive window film provides a lifetime of color stability and will never crack, peel, fade, or turn purple.

When you install XPEL window tint, you’ll also enjoy:

  • Enhanced UV protection
  • Reduced sun glare and better visibility, even at night
  • A cool, comfortable cabin, even during hot Colorado summers
  • Improved privacy and security
  • Unrivaled scratch resistance
  • A sleeker look 


How to Prevent Your Window Tint From Turning Purple

The easiest way to ensure your automotive window tint won’t fade or turn purple is to invest in a higher-quality tint. As we said before, cheap dyes are the first to go.

After installing the film, try to minimize your vehicle’s exposure to UV rays. If you have one, park your car in your garage or carport. During sunny days, park your vehicle in a shaded area. We also recommend getting a car cover to protect your vehicle when it’s not being used. 


How Do You Remove Purple Window Tint? 

If your car window tint turned purple, DO NOT attempt to remove or repair it yourself. This will do more harm than good. Removing the purple tint is best left to a team of skilled professionals.

Call Red Rocks Tint today. We’ll quickly and efficiently remove your old tint and replace it with premium XPEL products. 


Trust Your Car to Only the Best 

Avoid ugly purple windows. Call the experienced specialists at Red Rocks Tint today if you want your windows tinted. With over 18 years of experience, we are Golden, Colorado’s go-to shop for superior window tinting solutions. Our technicians always go the extra mile and take the time to learn about your needs, budget, and goals.

We also specialize in paint protection film (PPF), ceramic coating, and dent removal.

Contact us today by calling 303-900-0645 to book an appointment or learn more. We can’t wait to hear from you!